A warm welcome to Psychotherapy Potsdam & Couple therapy Potsdam

Also available Psychotherapy online & Couple therapy online

Congratulations on taking this step.

The best thing, I have ever done for myself, was and continues to be to perfect myself more and more. My own inner path of self-knowledge has rewarded me more richly, than my mind could have imagined – with inner calmness, a loving relationship, finding my calling and, along with that, success.

All suffering, whether internal or external, always has to do with ourselves. According to quantum physics, there are no coincidences.

„Mind is the origin of matter.“
Quote from Max Planck (quantum physicist)

All of our suffering is a reflection of our own thoughts and feelings. If you invest in your own inner change, it will pay off in the form of well-being, prosperity, success, health and functioning social relationships in your future.

There is a freedom within us, that we need to rediscover in order to escape the powerlessness of depression, trauma, relationship problems, lack of self-esteem, illnesses, all kinds of conflicts, phobias, personality disorders, anxiety and panic.

I will be happy to accompany you on this journey. All you need is perseverance and the will to take a new, unknown path. I would be happy to help you in this process. We can even climb over huge rocks together.

The guidance towards independence and self-responsibility are important parts of my work. It is important to me, that at the end of the sessions, you can return to everyday life with a toolbox of healing.

Already, I am looking forward to see you.

Yours, Sabina Riedel

About myself

My calling is to help people out of their psychological and often physical suffering. This is what I am so good at, that it is no longer work for me, but more like „drinking coffee“. I love my work.

My own life was not easy. I know the „dark night of the soul“. But now, I also know life‘s finest moments. In my life, I have received so many blessings, that I simply remain silent in awe of all of them…

I know from the bottom of my heart, that I myself, have created all these sufferings and blessings. After life used to collapse on me again and again, I, again und again did and still do my homework. Everything that was ever important to me, was taken away  from me, like relationships, children, wealth, even the place to live.

I have learned to rise up out of nothing, like a phoenix from the ashes. Nothing can scare me anymore, not even death. I have gained my trust in God again. Nothing and no one can hurt me, if I don’t want it.

By now, I‘m convinced, that my life has turned out the way it did only, so  I can do this work here with you now, to the best of my knowledge and conscience.

From the bottom of my heart, I’m looking forward to work with you.

Sabina Riedel

Appointments for Psychotherapy in Potsdam or online therapy

Appointments arranged only by phone.

Should I just be in session with a client, please leave your name and phone number on my answering machine or send me an e-mail, and I’ll call you back, as soon as possible.

The fee per session (always 60 min) is 80 €. Fees are to be paid directly at the appointment.

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